• Dice spelling the word news.

    Library News

    Keep up to date with the latest news and updates from Greater Dandenong Libraries.

  • Close up of person signing documents.

    Justice of the Peace Service

    Justices of the Peace (JPs) are available at Dandenong Library and the Springvale Community Hub.

  • Person reading in a hammock under a tree

    Read and Relax Blog

    Find your next read, listen or view as recommended by library staff. The Read and Relax blog has something for everyone.

  • Microphone and computer screen

    Recording Booth

    Dandenong Library has a state of the art recording booth available for the community to record music, podcast, voice overs or create their own works. The booth is free to use however conditions apply.

  • Hand holding mobile phone showing apps on screen.

    eBooks and eAudiobooks

    The library has a great range of eBooks, eAudiobooks, eMagazines and eComics. Read or listen for free with your library card.

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Opening Hours

Monday: 9am-9pm
Tuesday: 9am-9pm
Wednesday: 9am-9pm
Thursday: 9am-9pm
Friday: 9am-9pm
Saturday: 10am-5pm
Sunday: 12pm-5pm