Did you know chickens like to check themselves out in a mirror? Did you know a feather duster makes a great “mother hen” if you have chicks? Or do you wonder how to tell if an egg has been already cooked or not? 101 Chicken Keeping Hacks tell all and provides a fun element to the care of chickens complete with simple ideas for repurposing and upcycling items give a vintage vibe to retro fitting your coop and explains how to enhance your chicken’s lifespan with natural remedies and ingredients to sustain a happy chook life.
Coops and nesting boxes, dust baths, homemade feed, like scratch mix and ice treats to keep them cool in summer, and using herbs in the environment to repel pests, to benefit their wellbeing and provide healthy feed, this book provides lots of practical and creative ideas.
Some really clever hacks for your home are given, for example, using eggs for other things besides eating, what to use eggshells for (meaning less waste), even how to repurpose egg cartons. Other tips include how to check if your eggs are fresh using the float test, how to cleanly peel an egg which can be a challenge sometimes, and how to freeze eggs, to name a few useful tips.
What really stands out in the book is how much care and love the author has for chickens. A lot of thought about their wellbeing is shown, including some fun with a harmless chook dress-up using tulle for special occasions, all this makes it fun for the owners of chooks too. You can’t help but be inspired after reading this book.
Find 101 Chicken Keeping Hacks from Fresh Eggs Daily by Lisa Steele