Franklin (DVD)


In the early 1980s the Tasmanian Hydro Electric Commission began the construction of a dam on the Franklin River with the support of the Tasmanian State Government. Jobs were seen as a higher priority than the preservation of the natural environment.  This dam would flood an area of extreme beauty.  A small group of very resourceful protestors contributed to halting this and eventually a change of Federal Government and a trip to the High Court put a permanent stop to the project.

This documentary is seen through the eyes of the son of one of the protestors, who has since passed away.  The story is told by Oliver Cassidy with great love and respect for his father Michael.  There is also an embedded narrative within the story that is most interesting and beautifully revealed throughout.

The scenery is magnificent, and the potential loss of this breath-taking environment is a horrifying thought.  We all owe much to these people who had the foresight to see what could be lost and risked their own safety to save it.

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