I found Get Smart About Emotion in the health and wellbeing non-fiction section, it is a self-help guide to understand and embrace emotional intelligence. It summarizes many years worth of psychological research into two parts. The first part highlights the emotional intelligence framework, and the second part highlights emotional intelligence in practice.
The emotional intelligence framework is intended for busy people who want to develop this skill but may not have the opportunity to trawl through heaps of heavyweight literature, like self-knowledge, managing your emotions, understanding others’ behaviours and feelings, and managing your relationships (using effective social skills).
'Managing your emotions' looks at how we view ourselves, our confidence, self-esteem, sense of purpose and awareness of the way we tend to react to things, also being positive and effective in a way that is appropriate to situation you are in. Resilience is a very important aspect of emotional self-management, it is discussed in depth with different case studies.
'Emotional intelligence in practice' outlines aspects of coping with uncertainty, emotional literacy for parenting and teaching children, as well as the psychological immune system. It uses useful tools to engage the reader and make us think in depth about the information with “remember this”, “think about it” or "try it now” activities.
I recommend reading this useful book, Get Smart About Emotion - it is written in easy language and flows well, and is a great to read to help with controlling our emotions and staying alert to the immediate moment and details of life, continually learning, and giving.