Hidden Pictures

Hidden Pictures by Jason Rekulak

Do you like your books a little spooky?

Do you like your books a bit mysterious?

Do you like your books to have a good twist, or, even better, multiple twists?

Well then, Hidden Pictures by Jason Rekulak is the book for you!

I borrowed this book from our collection on a whim. The story outline on the back intrigued me. Once I started it though, I couldn’t stop… and isn’t that the best kind of book?

Hidden Pictures follows a young protagonist, Mallory Quinn, who takes a summer job as a babysitter for a well-off family in a nice neighbourhood. She forms a quick bond with their son, Teddy, who starts giving her daily gifts in the form of drawn pictures. The pictures start to tell a sinister story, of an invisible friend, a girl possibly murdered many years ago in the same house…

Hidden Pictures is extremely well written, each character thoroughly fleshed out and the story is some good old-fashioned ghost story fun. The real kick to the book though is the artist inclusions buried throughout, each time Teddy gives Mallory a drawing it is shown in full detail in the novel, allowing the reader a better glimpse into the story unfolding. It’s not something you see in many popular novels these days and is a most welcome inclusion.

Closer to the end of the book the story twists come flying and the drawn pictures more frequent and shocking. 

I had a great time with this one and highly recommend.

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Hidden Pictures by Jason Rekulak
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