An exciting genre amid a worldwide Covid-19 pandemic. Science Fiction has never been my preference for light reading. Interestingly, with what is happening around the world, around the unknown mystery about the virus, it seems the right timing to dig into the new world of Science Fiction. If a year ago I was to predict what is happening now, I will say that we would be living through a Science Fiction period.
What if there was more than just Covid-19? What if women dominate the world? If men are afraid of women instead of women afraid of men? Naomi Alderman explores this world in The Power. The novel tells the stories of 14 or 15 year old teenage girls who can hurt or even kill by releasing electrical jolts from their fingertips. There is footage of girls electrocuting men flooding the internet and girls learned their new power and taught older women how to use this ability to their advantage.
Boys are afraid of girls. Parents place their sons into single-sex schools to protect them. This new power is blamed on nerve gas, witchcraft and anti-male conspiracy or maybe a mystery virus. The Power portrays the female world of natural aggression and sexual violence towards males. This science fiction novel tells the lives of four main characters and their unique journeys into this unknown world of dominant feminism. The dangerous femaleness that must be contained. Girls that do not use their power are being bullied or name-called. Why do people abuse their power? The answer is simple: Because they can!
The Power is available to download as an audiobook from BorrowBox