Pride, Prejudice and Other Flavours by Sonali Dev

Being a fan of Jane Austen, the title of this book, Pride, Prejudice and other flavours caught my eye immediately.
The book follows two perspectives in parallel. Dr Trisha Raje, an exceptional seemingly over-arrogant neurosurgeon from a wealthy royal family, and DJ Caine, a brilliant chef from very humble beginnings. 

Trisha is partially estranged from her family, especially her older brother who is running for governor of California, due to some misguided decisions in her youth. She tries to reconnect with her family by being more supportive of her brother’s campaign. This is where she runs into DJ, the chef hired to cater the event, and also her patient’s older brother. Sparks fly, pride flares, prejudices are rampant. As the adage goes “He has too much pride, she has too much prejudice”, which makes for a turbulent all-consuming love story. 

I wanted a light, fun read; something I could pick up, read and not really think about again. While Pride, Prejudice and other flavours was definitely a fun and light read, it did leave me wanting more! Which is why I was glad to discover that this book is the first in the Rajes series. The other two, Recipe for Persuasion and Incense and Sensibility are well worth the read too, with the fourth installation The Emma Project coming out later this year. 


Pride,prejudice and other flavours by Sonali Dev
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