Do you sometimes feel that despite your best efforts, what you are saying is not being heard? Maybe what you’re hearing from someone else is not what they mean?
Misunderstandings are so common as we converse with loved-ones, colleagues, or any number of other people. How do we ensure that we are saying what we mean, hearing what is meant and communicating effectively?
Oren Jay Sofer is a teacher in Buddhist meditation and Non-Violent Communication principles (a program developed by Marshall B Rosenberg). This book is based on these principles: to communicate well and to create understanding through awareness. He says communication is less about the words and more about the connection. Say What You Mean will help you find your voice, speak your truth and listen deeply.
Sofer’s contention is that if we communicate with caring and curiosity, we are more likely to be received with the same. Some of the ideas that are explored in the book include being aware of our needs; saying ‘no’; hearing ‘no’; giving feedback; using pauses; interrupting; blame and even repeating a conversation that didn’t go well (the do-over).
Finally, he uses the analogy of a large ship being turned: the smallest degree of change in steering will result in a large adjustment to the destination. We can improve our communication with just a few minor alterations or changes in thinking and speaking.
Say What You Mean is available in print, eAudiobook and eBook format.