It is easy to dismiss the problem of clutter as a First World problem, and therefore not even give this CD Spark joy a second thought. However, if clutter is becoming an issue and you like the idea of becoming more organised, you may find this audio book very helpful. It certainly has assisted me in re-examining my opinions on clutter and consumerism.
The author, Marie Kondo has a highly structured, albeit quirky approach to organising/ culling.
The first stage is to discard by category (clothes first, then books, papers, miscellany and lastly mementos). These categories are important in that they allow you to tackle the unsentimental possessions first, thereby easing and speeding up the process of letting go.
How do you know what to discard? Simply, gather all your possessions from one category, for example clothes, and then pick each item up and assess how that item makes you feel, that is, does it “spark joy”. If it does nothing for you, donate or discard it.
Such a simple yet structured approach is very helpful for people who don’t know how to start the decluttering process or how to address the ugly side of consumerism. Spark joy should be of interest to many people.