What Your Cat is Thinking by Bo Soderstrom
What Your Cat is Thinking by Bo Soderstrom is a useful read if you are considering buying a cat and have never lived with one before or have little knowledge about them.
The book does an excellent job of conveying basic information about cats and referencing the research that backs up Soderstrom’s assertion. Despite its references to scientific literature, it uses language that is easy to read and does not get bogged down in academic jargon. This makes the information accessible if you have no background in scientific fields.
The layout and structure of the book also help people find particular information. This is achieved by dividing the book into six chapters and each chapter is subdivided into topics. The information that is discussed in each topic is recapped at the end in section called scientists explain which recaps the information learned in that subsection. This acts as a quick reminder if you want to double check the information and the repetition helps clarify what you have just learnt and cement the information.
As a person who owns a cat and enjoys learning about them, I was surprised that the book had sections that covered the topic of introducing older cats to each other as most resources avoid the subject because it is perceived as being too difficult and has too many risks associated with it.
I would recommend this book for anyone that is thinking of buying cat for the first time or if you are thinking of introducing two older cats to each other. It has some useful advice on how to approach this task.
Find What Your Cat is Thinking by Bo Soderstrom
Matthew O’Neal