Sunrise by the Sea by Jenny Colgan

Sunrise by the Sea is an adult romance fiction. Marisa is a young woman besieged by grief, anxiety and agoraphobia after her grandfather’s unexpected death. She has trouble facing the world and withdraws further and further into herself and her bedroom. Marisa's playboy flat mate is disappointed that she is no longer fun or useful and so organises for Marisa a rental villa on a small island just off the Cornish coast. Believing that the quiet and solitude would suit her perfectly, Marisa makes the difficult journey to Mount Polbearne and moves into her new home. The idyllic scene lasts a whole of 45 minutes until her piano teaching neighbour moves in. What follows is an encouraging and insightful tale as Marisa eventually ventures past her front door to awkwardly connect with her new neighbour and others in the community.

A cosy romantic comedy with a delightful touch of emotional renewal. This novel is perfect for devouring in a single session, tucked up warm on the couch removed from the cold and squally weather. 

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Sunrise by the Sea by Jenny Colgan
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